The 16th of March 2013 is a very remarkable day in the Nigerian Region. We rejoiced with Srs. Martina Chienyenwa Agoamanam and Edna Kotse Ikalumhe as they made their First Profession of vows in St Anne’s convent Satellite Town, Lagos, Nigeria.
The ceremony was made colourful as friends, family members of both sisters and our own sisters gathered round to celebrate with them. The Mass was officiated by Rev. Fr. Lawrence Odemenam CSsR, Fr. Kelechi S.J and another Redemptorist priest. In his homily Fr. Lawrence encouraged the newly professed to keep in mind the three vows of which they have professed: chastity, to love freely and not to possess, poverty to leave freely and not to possess materials things, and lastly the call to obedience to the Congregation and to the church at large.
He thanked the families of Srs. Edna and Martina for their generosity in giving their daughters to the Church. He advised them to continue to support them by their prayers. He prayed for God’s abundant blessings on the the families.
The celebration was a beautiful one. There was singing and dancing. The families expressed their joy and gratitude to God who has made the day possible. There was great excitement. To all of us who were present it was a remarkable one to be remembered. The sisters had group photographs with their families, friends and all the sisters that were present that day after the celebration of the Mass. The sisters were excited, grateful to God and the Congregation for making that day possible. The region thanked their families for their generosity and support. We give thanks to God for his presence and protection, The Lord has indeed started the good works in them. We pray for them and ask God who has begun the good work in them to grant them the grace to bring it to fulfillment.