At our last General Chapter we were all invited to encourage New Life Circles of lay people who want to share in our charism and spirituality. On the Feast of St. Ignatius, one of the New Life Circles joined us at Caritas Convent in Culver City, California for a summer barbeque.
Sisters Brid O’Shea, Bernadette Moran and Marie Furlong meet with this group for formation in our spirituality and charism.
We began with a prayer by calling to mind St. Ignatius’ encouragement to find God in all things and to use our senses in prayer. We all shared our response to the following questions:
- What do you smell? (the barbeque!)
- What do you hear?
- What do you see around you?
- What will you taste or have you tasted?
- Have you felt anything….shaking hands, hugging or holding your hands in prayer now?
After a happy hour, Sr. Marsha Moon and Sr. Francis Maria began barbequing hamburgers! With fresh melon and all the trimmings for the burgers, we ate outside on the patio and enjoyed the sunny weather.
At our last Chapter, we recognized the Spirit’s call to expand our family, to welcome new life in the lay people who also share in our charism. At our gathering July 31st, we reviewed this direction as articulated in our chapter document which calls us to:
- Recognize and enable the emergence of new forms and expressions of the charism in ourselves and others
- Develop programs with our lay colleagues, collaborators and associates that enable us to share our spirituality and charism
As many of these people support our ministries and sisters financially, we thanked them and acknowledged their regular meetings to grow in our spirituality at St. Columban’s Convent, Garden Grove. These formational meetings are organized by Sr. Brid O’Shea and supported by our Sisters Bernadette Moran and Marie Furlong. The evening begins in the chapel with evening prayer followed by dinner and a formation session. This New Life community volunteer at the school, do outreach, a variety of parish ministries and are involved in fighting human trafficking.
In the last few years, we have been so grateful for these new groups springing up. They consist of those collaborating with our sisters in their ministries but hunger for more connection and spirituality. Their enthusiasm for Mary Aikenhead and the charism reignites our own passion.
Sr. Francis Maria at the BBQ!
Below: Sr. Bernadette Moran and Beverly Lenihan