On 2nd April some sisters had the joy of celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Sr. Patricia Lenihan’s Profession as a Religious Sister of Charity. Mrs. Lenihan, Patricia’s mother, her sister Maria and her brothers Gerard and Tony came from London to join in the celebration.
Fr. Fintan O’Driscoll MSC, a friend of Patricia’s since their formation days, celebrated Mass at Lakelands Chapel. The sisters present sang the hymns with great heart while Sr. Rosaleen Crossan provided accompaniment on the guitar and Sr Cecilia Mulenga and Sr Winfridah Chileshe drummed.
Sr Mary Christian welcomed all the guests and commended Patricia for her great interest in visiting the Sisters in their ministries around the world and sharing her knowledge of them with all of us by way of a frequent e-letter – thus promoting union of minds and hearts.
The liturgy prepared by Patricia reflected her gratitude to God and desire to continue in wholehearted ministry in the Congregation. A verse from the Communion Hymn captures this sentiment….
“This is our God, the Servant King, He calls us now to follow Him,
To bring our lives as a daily offering of worship to the Heavenly King.”
Following the Mass, Patricia spoke recalling the past twenty five years. She thanked her family for their sustaining love and all who influenced, supported, challenged and loved her during that time. She also said that she had chosen this day to celebrate as it would have been her parent’s 60th wedding anniversary. Gerard thanked the Sisters for their invitation and the hospitality extended to members of the family on this occasion and particularly to Marjorie, Patricia’s mother, who has visited on several occasions.
Photographs were taken to record this lovely occasion before all left Lakelands for the Sandymount Hotel where the celebration continued with a lovely meal and cutting of the Jubilee Cake which Sr. Mary Christian had baked.