Los Angeles, CA – On Saturday February 6th 2010 a group of Sisters of Charity from Los Angeles walked 27 blocks, or 3 miles, with umbrellas bearing signs “Stop Human Trafficking” to raise awareness about human trafficking. They also wore white face masks symbolizing the forced silence of those enslaved. Sisters Marsha Moon, Francis Maria, Kathleen Newell and Kathleen Bryant all participated in making signs and walking the route with several other religious congregations and their associate members.
They passed out brochures in Korean and Spanish to the people they met who asked what this was about. The neighborhoods they passed through have been known for trafficking. Passing cars honked their horns to let the walkers know of their support. The media covered the event and they were on the evening television news.
Why now? In a Presidential Proclamation on January 4, 2010, President Obama declared, “Fighting modern slavery and human trafficking is a shared responsibility. This month, I urge all Americans to educate themselves about all forms of modern slavery and the signs and consequences of human trafficking. Together, we can and must end this most serious, ongoing criminal civil rights violation.” The full text of the President’s proclamation can be read on The White House web site.
To read more about The Walk see The Tidings article ‘Nuns walk in Mid-Wilshire to protest human trafficking’.
Pictured below The Walkers!!!:
Sisters Francis Maria, Kathleen Newell, Marsha Moon, and Kathleen Bryant