Two Sisters of Charity recently made the news in ‘Tidings Online’, Southern California’s Catholic Weekly.
Sr. Eva Bryan was commissioned as a Pastoral Associate – read the article HERE – and Sr. Mary Murphy featured in an article about taking care of spiritual needs at Veteran Affairs Long Beach Healthcare System – read the article HERE.
And on a different note… read more about the Summer Bar-B-Que!
The sisters in the Regional House sisters welcomed in the summer with an evening BBQ for sisters, benefactors, the new life group and former RSC’s and their spouses. The barbeque held on Sunday 13th June reflected one of the sayings of our foundress Mary Aikenhead – “Let us thank the Almighty for all the good spots we enjoy”. As well as enjoying the barbeque, those attending gathered for prayer outside in a circle on the grass, affirming each one present by name and blessing them for their support and the new life they bring to the Californian/Venezuelan Region.