Sr Cynthia Nwaichi shares the joyous experience of the day of her First Religious Profession which took place on the 27th February 2016 in Nigeria. “Two years ago on 6th February I became a novice in the Congregation of the Religious Sisters of Charity and for the next two years was accompanied in my formation by my Novice Director, Sr Geraldine Hamukale.
During this time I have experienced God through the classes I attended both inside and outside the formation house, through the people I met during my home visitations when they shared with me their joys and pains. I have also experienced God’s beauty through nature and plants. I remember one particular day when I was out visiting, I saw a leave with a beautiful purple flower in a roadside bush and I admired the beauty of God in it. At the same time I saw a lizard that had three colours!
At the beginning of the Mass for my Profession, I presented a plant which summarised my life in formation through the projects I was given. In my little knowledge of planting, I only watered the plant day by day, month by month yet there was no sign of growth. However, I persisted in watering it until one faithful day, that I saw some yellowish leaves were sprouting up and I was happy. So I said to myself that for me to live my life fully, requires patience and perseverance in whatever I am doing.
During Profession ceremony, I was given a ring, a crucifix and the Constitutions book. These three signify – being a spouse, a disciple of Christ, and the rules to live simply and be a faithful servant of Christ in the Congregation of the Religious Sisters of Charity. During the homily, the priest emphasised the beauty and challenges of religious life. He stressed that now that I am professed I should put my trust in God and the visit the Blessed Sacrament to encounter the God who is always there for me.
I give thanks to God almighty for a good weather, the Religious Sisters of Charity, my family and friends for celebrating with me and for God’s light and salvation in times of doubt and for seeing me through my years of formation.”
Sr. Cynthia Nwaichi RSC.