On Saturday 2nd September 2017 about 120 Sisters of Charity gathered in Donnybrook, Dublin to witness the commissioning of a new Provincial Team who will lead the Irish Province for the next six years. Sr Úna O’Neill has been appointed the Provincial Leader and will be supported by Srs Anne Marie Costelloe, Catherina Kenny, Geraldine Byrne and Rosaleen Crossan.
It was also a time to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to the out-going team of Srs Phyllis Behan, Catherine Kenny, Rita Wynne, Angela Kelly and Anne Marie Costelloe who have led the Province since September 2011.
The Irish Province is the largest of all the areas of the Congregation, comprising of more than half of the Congregation.
Sr Mary Christian, the Congregational Leader, led the commissioning service and gave an inspiring introduction which challenged each sister in the Province to play her part in the leadership of the Province. She reminded the sisters that “A leadership team cannot function alone. Each sister in the Province has her part to play, especially through prayer. Sometimes it will be difficult for a sister to accept a decision either regarding herself or a ministry which she loves dearly. Always remember that these decisions are not made lightly and, even if we do not agree, we must accept the decision and respect those involved in the decision-making process.”
The commissioning service was hugely symbolic involving all those present extending their hands in a blessing for each team.
After the service finished there was time to greet and thank the individual sisters and then take time to catch up and chat over a cup of tea in the Mary Aikenhead Day Centre. A small group of the Friends of Mary Aikenhead organised the tea and refreshments.
BELOW: The Irish Provincial Team with Sr Mary Christian. From L-R: Srs Anne Marie Costelloe, Mary Christian (Congregational Leader), Geraldine Byrne, Rosaleen Crossan, Una O’Neill (Provincial Leader) and Catherina Kenny.