2016 marked a milestone for Sr Anne Marie Costelloe in July and for the October group of 1966, Sisters Marcella Cassells, Rita Dawson, Joanna Flannery, Sheila Geaney, Rosaleen Heslin, Barbara Kenny, Maria Kenny, Mary Kernan, Cecilia Marum, Rose O’Rourke and Mary Scanlan, as we came together to celebrate our Golden Jubilees.
From 27th to 30th May 2016, we spent a Jubilee week-end in Stella Maris, Howth. We were warmly welcomed by the community, who made our celebration truly memorable and we are very grateful for their hospitality. The beautiful weather during the three days was an added bonus for our stay. During the Eucharist, celebrated by Fr. Mike Drennan S J, we had the opportunity to remember with gratitude, the Sisters in the Congregation, family, friends, co-workers and all who have supported us on the journey.
In his homily, Fr Mike spoke about the journey we had made over the past 50 years. He reminded us that in 1966, we could not have anticipated what lay ahead and he continued “At that time the barque of Peter seemed secure, the seas were relatively calm, those in charge declared they knew the way, and the fishing grounds seemed fruitful. Little did anyone know of the storms that lay ahead when the boat began to flounder, many went ashore and abandoned the venture, but you remained. Today, we celebrate the meeting of God’s fidelity with yours. Mercy, compassion, service in love remains the invitation for a changed world that needs them more than ever. You have a message for the world, it needs that good news”.
A candle and plant in memory of Sr Beatrice O’Brien RIP were presented at the beginning of the Mass and also for Sr Sheila Geaney who could not be present due to illness. After the Mass, we had a meal in a lovely restaurant in Howth overlooking the sea – a perfect setting to complete a very special day.
On Wednesday 1st June, Fr Mike celebrated Mass in Lakelands Convent for Sr Sheila, to mark the special event for her. We joined with Sheila in giving thanks to God for all the blessings she had received and for her commitment during the past 50 years. Following the Mass, we shared refreshments with Sheila and the community. Sadly, Sr. Sheila died on 18th July 2016. May she rest in peace.
On Saturday 24th September, six ‘coes’ had a wonderful reunion at a lunch in the Ashling Hotel, near Heuston Station, with six of the original group, who are no longer with us. It was a special journey down ‘memory lane’ as many stories were recalled amidst much laughter! The invited guests greatly appreciated being remembered and spoke about the positive influence the time spent in the Congregation had on their lives.
Mary Kernan RSC