The Friends of Mary Aikenhead (FMA’s) had an inspiring and busy Advent! The committee invited Spiritual director Ms Noreen Mackey, on Saturday 4th November to lead a reflective afternoon – ‘Meeting the Risen Jesus’ through Scripture and Meditation followed by tea and chat!
During the afternoon we agreed on our FMA Mission Statement
‘As Friends of Mary Aikenhead we respond to the call to live and promote the charism of Mary Aikenhead in our daily lives in our own unique way. We support one another by friendship, prayer and service to make a difference in our local area for the greater glory of God’.
We also agreed on an ‘Action Plan’ to help the Simon Community who work with rough sleepers. As individuals we gathered items for ‘care packages’ e.g. toiletries, clothing and some goodies. We met in the Mary Aikenhead Day Centre on 2nd December and prepared our ‘care bags’ for distribution. We had 68 bags to hand over to Dave a volunteer with Simon Community.
After our work is done we hand over to Dave – this is just some of the bags!!
A cheque for €800 raised by the FMA’s was also donated!