Preparations for the big feastday began in December when the Friends came together to plan. The first item on the agenda was ‘food’ which is so important in our area where food is scarce. It was decided to have goat and nshima, the local staple food. The purchase of a goat and those who would slaughter it was organised.
The Friends from Nyalugwe, Ngwirima, Kapota and Konzalendo also had meetings to prepare for the Mass and to practice sketches they wanted to present on the day.
Early on the morning of the 19th the cooks arrived, the goats were slaughtered and cooking commenced. The previous day they had come to prepare tobwa, the local brew. Unfortunately, our Parish Priest was not here so instead of Mass we had a Eucharistic Service attended by over eighty people, seventy-one of whom were Friends of Mary Aikenhead. Following the service thirty-nine Friends made their pledge and received a badge. Another thirty-two had made their pledge in 2016. There was great rejoicing and all joined in the singing and dancing.
Then everyone went to the hall where different groups presented sketches and poems which centred on the life and work of Venerable Mary Aikenhead. These were apt and most entertaining. Tobwa was served and later all enjoyed a delicious meal.
The plan for the near future is that the different groups will visit outstations in the parish where no group of Friends of Mary Aikenhead is yet established. In this way, it is hoped that Mary Aikenhead will become known throughout the parish. The enthusiasm of the Friends in visiting the elderly, the sick and the poor with whom they share the little they have is most encouraging.
Wishing all Friends and Associates of our beloved Foundress God’s blessings.