Our sisters in Nigeria in the communities of Ozoro, Okpara Inland and Bomadi have been coping with the effects of the recent floods that killed dozens and displaced tens of thousands of residents.
Torrential downpours in recent weeks have caused widespread destruction and forced many families into makeshift camps. An estimated 134,000 people have now been affected by the floods and concern is growing about the spread of waterborne diseases.
Nigeria’s rainy season occurs between May and October. Torrential rains are especially hard on communities in rural areas, where drainage is inadequate or nonexistent.
Last month, authorities urged residents living along River Niger to move to higher ground. The evacuation order affected the states of Niger, Kogi, Kwara, Kebbi, Anambra and Delta.
Sr Freda Ehimuan wrote recently to update us on the sisters’ activity in the flood areas, where they are trying to reach as many people as they can – sharing food, soaps, nets, clothes and giving words of encouragement.