Every journey has a point of departure and a destination, and the Eucharistic Congress journey is no different. As we travel we will find a variety of landscapes; sometimes the terrain will be easily negotiated and, at other times, it will present us with a significant challenge. It’s all part of the experience of getting there.
However this journey is unlike most other journeys because while it may include a geographical pilgrimage to some holy place, it is above all an interior journey of faith, leading to a deeper understanding of the Eucharistic mystery and an integration of that into our lives. Parish communities, and prayer groups and apostolic/social movements, as well as individual pilgrims are gearing up at the present to embark on this journey.
The event that is only one month away – the 50th International Eucharistic Congress represents a pause on a journey which will continue long after the Eucharistic Congress itself is over. The Church is a pilgrim people; to be on a journey is not unusual for us, it is part of who we are. At different stages in our lives we become more or perhaps less aware of the ‘journey’. Now is a time of grace, a time of renewal, a time to take up the journey afresh.
Join this journey, with countless pilgrims in Ireland and across the globe. Participate as fully as you can through prayer, reflection and action for justice. Your journey may take you to the events in Dublin, 10-17 June 2012, but don’t wait until then. Join the journey locally, in your parish or diocese, or even on-line. Journeying together is often a source of great encouragement, and the support of others can sustain us when the path is rough. That’s the wisdom in Jesus’ decision to send the disciples out in pairs. So browse the web-site, use the resources, watch out for events in your area, volunteer – join us in the journey in any way you can.