Churches together in Britain and Ireland (CBTI) are inviting all churches to mark “Creation Time” from 1st September to 4th October this year. This year’s theme, in keeping with the UN International Year of Biodiversity, is: Creation Flourishing – A Time for Celebration and Care.
In the wake of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and the terrible floods in Pakistan CTBI also hopes that Christians will consider the impact of human activity on the environment.
During Creation Time this year all Christians are invited to enjoy and celebrate the beauty and diversity of our abundant planet, to ask forgiveness for its degradation, to pray for its protection and commit ourselves to its healing care.
Catherine Brennan SSL, chairperson of Eco Congregation Ireland, hopes that churches of all denominations will take up the call to celebrate Creation Time and to become proactively involved in practical environmental initiatives. “Every time we allow any species or habitat to become extinct through greed or carelessness, we remove something unique of God’s self-revelation in Creation. To disturb the integrity of Creation is to disfigure the Creator,” she says.
“Protecting biodiversity is also about the vital resources that underpin the wealth and health of the world’s poor and that provide the vital needs for the well-being of us all. Investing in this capital is the only way to ensure a sustainable future for the world’s children.”
God, Creator of this beautiful universe,
Your will is that all creation may enjoy fullness of life.
Inspire us to delight in diversity
And to be builders of community with the whole family of Creation.
We promise to work for change and healing at all levels,
Including within ourselves.
May we always live connected to you,
To our bountiful earth
And to each other in solidarity and love
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
(CBTI resources)