In this article Diane Chilangwa reflects on the values which are at the heart of the Congregation of the Religious Sisters. The reflection offers an open invitation to all to come into a Sacred Space.
Come, step into this sacred space, where life stories are told and woven into an anchor for growth.
We’ll listen to all with much awe and wonder for the compass of respect guides all we do.
Come, step into this sacred space, together we’ll explore and learn the ways.
We’ll let our minds wonder, we’ll seek to find out, till the meaning of what this sacred space holds is found.
Come, step into this sacred space, where diversity and ambiguity don’t rob us of peace.
You won’t live with angels, nor with minds alike, so conflict and misunderstanding will teach you resolve till in freedom we learn our need for each other.
Imagine a space where initiative, critical thinking, expression of opinions, freedom to ask questions and the ability to learn from mistakes thrive!
Oh how I love to be in this sacred space.
Come, step into this sacred space, where personal responsibility will not only be taught but a lived experience of it will give meaning to words.
With the poor at the centre, you will learn to respond to the needs of our times. It will not be easy, but mix humour, balance, creativity, flexibility and the ability to learn, you will own this space for ages to come.