Traditionally the Sisters of Charity gather at the grave of Mary Aikenhead on the day of her anniversary to remember her legacy. The 160th Anniversary of the death of Mary Aikenhead fell on Sunday 22nd July, 2018 and about 150 people – sisters and Friends of Mary Aikenhead – gathered in Donnybrook to celebrate Eucharist and pray together at the graveside.
The liturgy was enriched by the presence of a group of eight sisters from Zambia and Nigeria currently in Dublin on their Final Vow Preparation course. Their lively singing and drumming during the Mass was appreciated by all present. Other sisters home on holidays from Zambia, Nigeria and California joined the celebrations. Mass was celebrated by Fr Joseph Bernard, ODC, a priest from Edo State, Nigeria who is currently in Ireland studying.
Following the Mass most of those present processed to the graveside where we had a short prayer before adjourning to the Mary Aikenhead Day Care Centre for refreshments.
As this is their first visit to Ireland, the sisters from Nigeria had been eagerly looking forward to gathering for the celebration at the graveside of the foundress. Equally the sisters from Ireland were looking forward to their meeting with these sisters and hearing their stories. The photos below give a flavour of the good-humoured and lively conversations that ensued.