The theme for Catholic Sisters Week Monday 8th – Sunday14th March is Celebrating Traditions Changing the World. As Religious Sisters of Charity, we celebrate our cultural diversity in community as a witness to union of minds and hearts especially in these days of deep divisions and systemic racism.
From the very beginning of our formation, our young women learn to live with people from several cultures and discover the richness that intercultural living offers as well as the challenges. We learn how to minister with people of different cultural backgrounds and discover God’s face in each person.
Through a short video posted each day, we will hear from sisters in different parts of the world share their experience.
Celebrating our Cultural Diversity
For Social Media: #catholicsistersweek
Event Page here
March 8
Sr. Marsha Moon, RSC
Marsha Moon, a Religious Sister of Charity born in the USA has spent ministry largely in elementary education as both a teacher and a principal. Marsha has been privileged to serve in California, Ireland, Nigeria, New Mexico, and a couple of summers in Catia la Mar, Venezuela. Currently, Marsha is serving in Zuni, as principal at St. Anthony Indian School, in northwestern New Mexico on the Zuni Reservation.
March 9
Sr. Augustina Eberechukwu Offor RSC
Augustina Eberechukwu Offor , a Religious Sister of Charity, born in Nigeria was greeted at her birth with “Egwu nwa onyenye” (a dance for a female child). She loves her Igbo name ‘Eberechukwu’ (God’s Mercy) as it defines her life’s journey with God’s mercy as her strength. Ebere studied Theology, Justice and Peace, and Peer Counselling. Ebere has served as a local leader, Skills Acquisitions Centre’s Coordinator, Secretary of Nigeria Conference of Women Religious Lagos Archdiocese, among other ministries. Currently Ebere works with the Justice Development and Peace Commission in Ibadan Archdiocese as the Caritas Desk Officer.
March 10
Sr. Patience Shinondo RSC
Sr. Patience M.N Shinondo is a Religious Sister of Charity born in Zambia. Sr. Patience worked in HIV and malaria prevention projects in Zambia as a social worker before entering the congregation and had ministered in the local compound in Lusaka among the poor. Presently Patience works with failed asylum seekers in London. Her other current ministry is to patients on End of Life care and their families in Social work at in a Hospice in East London.
March 11
Sr. Patricia Byrne RSC
Patricia Byrne has lived in the UK for at least 40 years of her 50 years as a Religious Sister of Charity. Initially Patricia taught 5-7 year old children but in 2001 moved into what she describes as a “privileged” place accompanying women involved in prostitution. Her ministry took her to the streets of Kings Cross and Soho in London at all times of the day and night. Meeting the women, many of whom were in the revolving door to prison, led Patricia into prison ministry where she remained for 17 years. Today Patricia works with the Jesuit Refugee Service in London where, under normal circumstances, she visits a detention centre. Patricia also works with CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) and with Bakhita house, a house for rescued trafficked women.
March 12
Sr. Christina O’Brien RSC
Sr. Christina O’Brien, originally from Galway, has lived more than 60 years as a Religious Sister of Charity but she will tell you that one thing has not changed and that is that the poor are always with us. Christina spent 46 years in Zambia working in the villages to empower women and to help them develop skills to improve their quality of life. Christina worked with Women’s Clubs in the villages sewing , knitting, cooking and drying vegetables so that during the rainy season there was a supply. During a visit 40 years later, Christina discovered the women had continued drying and selling the vegetables to a local market! Now “Bakili” (her Zambian name) is back in Ireland reading, painting and enjoying walks in the garden and listening to the birds.
March 13
Sr. Geraldine Byrne RSC
Geraldine Byrne RSC was born in Dublin and after her years of nursing then trained as a counsellor and supervisor. Geraldine is now the Executive Director of the Oasis Counselling Centre in the North Inner City Dublin, Ireland. The Oasis Centre, a crisis intervention service, will celebrate 25 years of Services in 2021 offering counselling services for addiction, bereavement, suicidal ideation, stress and mindful living. No one is turned away because of lack of finance. Geraldine and all at Oasis engage with people from many cultures and nationalities. https://oasiscentre.ie
March 14
Sr. Felistus Nyirongo RSC
Felistus was born in Zambia and has worked with people living with HIV/AIDS, the orphans left behind, Women’s Empowerment, entrepreneurship and livelihood. Felistus trained as a psycho social counselor and pastoral worker. Since her ministry led to people with life threatening diseases, Felistus also trained in palliative care. Currently Felistus is a trained facilitator, workshop presenter on human trafficking, the vocation director as well as the project manager for Zambia with Misean Cara. Felistus studied in the US and her immediate family lives there so is comfortable moving between cultures.