The Congregation’s Care of the Earth Statement can be read here:
Our recent chapter documents express our commitment to care for our Earth. Living this commitment is becoming an ever more urgent need. We are called to continually develop our awareness and consciousness of the beauty and brokenness of our common home.
Today as individual sisters and as Congregation, we are impelled:
- to re-awaken to the knowledge that Planet Earth, our common home, is magnificent, awe-inspiring and filled with an abundant diversity of life.
- to acknowledge that we are part of creation – one family who live connected to and dependent on God, ‘in a splendid universal communion’. [Laudato Si (On care for our Common Home) Para. 220]
- to recognize and rejoice in this interconnectedness and wondrous web of relationships, acknowledging that we are all one, each unique, but not separate in this community of creation.
- to appreciate the diversity of life and feel profoundly connected to everything that is.
The cry of the earth is the cry of the poor, just as the cry of the poor is the cry of the earth. We realise that the health and survival of our common home is at risk. Therefore, the love of Christ urges us as RSC’s to hear and respond to this cry, acknowledging that human activity contributes to the endangerment of our common home. With hope and determination, we commit ourselves to take up the challenge to conversion and transformation of our way of living for the well-being of all creation and future generations.