The following is the talk given by Sr Maureen rsc from Australia on 22nd July 2013 to the General Chapter delegates gathered in Drumalis, Larne:
Today is a day of celebration! We celebrate two Marys – our Mary Aikenhead, and from today’s Gospel, Mary of Magdala – she whom Jesus called by name in the Garden of Resurrection… she who was sent with good news to the Apostles. We hold these two women in our hearts this morning. I invite us to ponder a moment for ourselves on what this Feast of our Foundress, Mary, means for us today… on this day, as you enter a day of relaxation and recreation, as you begin walking in the sacred ground of Chapter. Who is Mary for you? Is there some significant memory of a previous experience that touched you, that comes back to you? Hold it. Stay with it. We know that Mary Aikenhead went on searching out, responding to the needs of her time – with courage, generosity, vision, risk-taking…. and all those many questions you have pondered in recent days.
We might hear her in imagination speaking, saying something like: “Live out my dream, my vision, you my dearly loved daughters… I thank you for your on-going Trust in Divine Providence… and for your undaunted and unflagging spirit… hold onto your call, to your mission.”
And I add words of my own from my walking with you through Retreat. * Trust the wisdom that is within you! * Be true to who you are! * And listen – listen with deep respect to each other…
We know words from our Retreat, words from God – and I sense from Mary Aikenhead too… “I am with you” “I am with you”.
Maureen rsc