In celebration of the 2nd anniversary of Laudato Si’, the Laudato Si’ Pledge campaign was launched during a large event in Manila on June 17th. The goal is to get 1 million Catholics to sign the pledge and take action for our common home. Leading the way for the Religious Sisters of Charity is Sr Magdalen Bluett who signed the Pledge online whilst sitting in her garden recently.
Aged 102 Sr Magdalen has a life-long love of nature that was instilled in her by her parents when she and her 10 siblings were growing up in Limerick. She says that both her mother and father had a great respect for nature and animals. She recalled that, in a time before modern machinery, her father would get up at 4am to cut the hay because he didn’t want the horses to be sweating in the heat of the day.
For the past 14 years Sr Magdalen, with a little help from her friends, has cultivated a beautiful garden in Lakelands community in Dublin which is enjoyed by many of the sisters who live there and admired by many visitors.
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