When I had completed my book on the life and work of Teilhard de Chardin it was suggested to me by the examiners that it should be published. I was quite amazed to hear this and consequently I was encouraged to pursue its publication. I tried the usual channels, but since I was an unknown author the publishers felt it too risky and declined publication.
Someone suggested that the ‘On-Line’ publishers – Amazon – might be interested. Amazon most agreeably offered to undertake the task and so the book – ‘A Mystic in Search of a Unifying Truth’ came into being.
Now with the book on the market, my mind turned to having a book launch. How! What! This was my first time ever to publish a book, let alone have a book launch! The internet was searched for clues as how to hold a book launch. It churned out ideas, ideas, and more ideas! However if ideas were all they had to offer, I had my own.
Invitations had to be printed, envelopes addressed and stamped and sent to all who might be considered interested in Teilhard de Chardin. Invitations commercially produced were much too expensive, so with the help of the computer I printed my own.
A venue in a convenient and attractive place had to be sought. The ‘Floating Restaurant’ on the Liffey was one suggestion but the cost for this venue was astronomical – away beyond my means. Eventually ‘The Writers Centre’ in Parnell Square was perfect in every way. The staff were most welcoming, friendly and helpful. With the venue secured and a consignment of books delivered to us, the final preparations were organised.
Some comforting refreshments were needed for the supporters and well wishers who were expected to attend the launch. Clarkes Catering Company in Cabra, were called on to produce queen cakes and fruit scones. Sugar free and gluten free biscuits were also purchased. Tea, coffee, wine and water were also served. Many friends were offering to help with hospitality and the generosity of the Religious Sisters of Charity for this occasion was overwhelming.
On the evening of November 21st 2013 we arrived at the Writers Centre to meet our guests. Even though it was a wet evening they came in their droves! Eventually there was only standing room. We were so relieved that all who were invited did not turn up! What would we have done if they had all come?
Mairead Ni Cisoge, Co-Founder and Registrar of ‘Soar Ollscoil na hEireann‘ (University of Ireland for Mature Students) opened the launch. It was from this Institute that I received my PhD. Fr. Brendan Duddy then took the stand and in his scholarly way elucidated on the contents of the book from cover to cover. It was my turn to acknowledge Mairead and Brendan’s addresses, and to thank everyone for their presence. Last on the agenda was the book signing. Everyone agreed it was a wonderful night and one to remember.
If you wish to purchase a copy of my book you can do so ‘on line’ through ‘Amazon Publishers’. Just click HERE.