The year 2017 saw the end of the 125th year celebration of Catholicism in Zambia and each Congregation of men and women were asked to submit three names of sisters/brothers/priests who had contributed to the growth of the Church in Zambia in whatever field the person was engaged.
We had no trouble identifying three sisters who over a long period here in Zambia contributed in various ways to the improving of the lives of the people and the building up of the Church here.
From our three one would be recognized on the 15th July 2017 at a special celebration to conclude the year of celebrations. Sr. Joseph Helen Cunningham was recognized for her contribution to education in Zambia and the Congregation was presented with a medal and certificate of recognition for the work that had been done.
We are proud of our contribution in the various areas where we live and the present day sisters acknowledge that they are “standing on the shoulders” of the sisters who have gone before us and we pray that our shoulders will be strong enough to carry those who follow us.