The Sisters of Charity in Ozoro, planned the closing of the Bicentenary year and the celebration of the birthday of our Foundress Mary Aikenhead, to be a unique one on 19th January. We invited friends from the local community to be officially recognised as Friends of the Sisters of Charity.
Those invited were eighteen, five men and thirteen women. We celebrated Mass at 5pm with Rev. Father Jude Igho. Those invited were early and were sitting waiting while the sisters were getting meals ready.
The Fr Jude spoke well of the Sisters of Charity’s commitment to humanity in the areas of Health, Education and Pastoral/Social work, saying they are very effective and have made some meaningful impact in the lives of many, especially the poor in the rural areas where the Sisters work.
After communion, Sister Agatha-Lucy explained that the reasons for establishing the Friends of the Sisters of Charity are: to make our Foundress and her Charism known, and to help in spreading the mission of Christ in uplifting the poor by sharing love with them.
They were given forms with a brief history of our Congregation, who we are and what we are about. They were asked to read, reflect and fill the form and return to the Convent for further follow up.
At the end of Mass, we had a group photograph followed by light refreshment in the Refectory. We parted that day in a very happy mood.
At last we have set a pace in establishing Friends of the Sisters of Charity in the Community where it is most needed among the poor.
To God be the glory!
Below – Sisters of Charity, Fr. Jude Igho and Friends of the Sisters of Charity after the Birthday and Closing Ceremony of the 200 years.