Sr Marianne Doherty and Ms Ciara Hardiman attended a workshop at An Tairseach Ecological Retreat Centre in Wicklow. The workshop was based on Faith-Consistent Investing – Living Laudato Si. The workshop introduced several organisations that challenged participants to look at how we all live and how the Congregation) is an investor for the future.
FaithInvest is an international, not-for-profit membership organisation for religious groups and faith-based institutional investors. It’s aim is to grow the scale and impact of faith-consistent, values-driven investing worldwide. The workshop linked investing with living Laudato Si. FaithInvest focus on supporting religious investors.
The second organisation, CIIC – Catholic Impact Investment Collaborative, believe that by sharing it’s experiences and celebrating Catholic Faith and values, it can expand the stewardship of financial resources in service to people and the planet. Their emphasis is on Catholic Impact Investing.
CIIC also introduced participants to Impact Investing. Positive experiences were shared by members of religious congregations including St Patrick’s Society for the Foreign Missions (the Kiltegan Fathers), Sisters of Mercy and the Dominican Sisters.
Impact investing in Africa through CIIC – One Acre Fund supports small farmers in Malawi and other countries, and also shared it’s experience on the day. There is a 2 to 2.5% return on the investment, and although this figure may seem small, the social impact is immeasurable.
The day encouraged all those present to explore the purpose of investments. Are they return-driven or impact-driven? How can religious orders ensure the right balance?