Sr Brid Kerin introduces us to her new ministry which has opened up a new vista for her at 92 years of age. She explains below…
After many years in the ministry of teaching I felt in my retirement that this door had been closed for me, only to discover an even wider door opening on a global scale – my introduction to Facebook.
So, now in my 92 years of life, instead of a class of pupils before me, I have the world-wide platform of Facebook to spread the Word of God. From the weekly short entries on topics spiritual, I receive feedback from as far away as San Francisco to Australia.
I call this my Armchair Ministry! It is a wonderful way to spread the Word of God, showing how our faith helps in the ordinary everyday challenges of life.
Pope Francis has said that “the elderly apply their wisdom and experiences to spreading the faith and forming the new generation. Old age has a mission – a vocation. Prayer of the elderly is a gift for the Church.”
Therefore, through Facebook, I feel I am fulfilling a ministry which can uplift and inspire the readers who use it. Recently, I received feedback from someone who had read an inspirational input which I had uploaded. She said that this was the light she needed for that day.
So, I am very grateful to God for using me on the World Wide Web as a channel of his Word.