It stepped into our world uninvited
Left it in shackles unexpected.
With a smile, Covid-19 appeared
Thinking it would leave Mother Earth devastated.
But lo! As humanity went in for safety,
A part of family bonding became a reality.
Divided homes could resolve and smile
Children could feel the warmth of love denied.
As humans went in for their own safety.
Animals, both wild and tame
Dashed out, all of them in gaeity,
Freedom once denied, they play their games.
Media took its’ place and informed
Minds informed and hands explored.
Great learning and great use emerged,
Novices in technology conquered.
Humanity realized that life is one
Colour, race, religion; everyone is equal
All hands on deck and together
Together to beat this dreadful scourge forever.
The beauty of souls emerged and blossomed
Each looking out for neighbours’ comfort
Charity danced in the hearts of many
To seek out and reach out unweary.
Mother Earth smiles and laughs
Breathing out fresh air to humanity
Regaining its’ balance and vigour lost
From the various damages she got.
Humanity realized its’ helplessness
To the Omniscient God its’ powerlessness
Hoping that soon and very soon
All will be over and this too will pass.
Sr. Gertrude Nkwocha RSC