Our small community of three discussed at length how to have a fitting celebration for the bicentenary of the Congregation and to honour our foundress Venerable Mary Aikenhead. We wanted to do something that would be enduring and act as a legacy of the Religious Sisters of Charity in Clarinbridge, Co. Galway. Our sisters have been in Clarinbridge from 1844-2015, which is 171 years!
The sisters have a long association with Clarenbridge Nursing Home and Sr Muriel continues this tradition as she brings Holy Communion to the residents three times a week.
The community met with Senior Management in the Nursing Home and asked about the feasibility of presenting a Tabernacle to the Nursing Home and all were very happy at the prospect. Ms Frances Neilan made a very suitable room available and also made changes to produce a beautiful Peace Room.
Next Sr Anne Patricia and Sr Muriel travelled to Dublin and purchased a beautiful tabernacle – a very fitting house for the Good Lord. In the meantime, Patrick the carpenter, made a lovely alcove to surround the Tabernacle and then secured it in position. A tabernacle lamp was erected so everything was now in place.
The Sisters also had a glass plaque made to commemorate this auspicious occasion. When everything was ready Srs Majella, Anne Patricia and Muriel attended a lovely ceremony of ‘Enthronement of The Blessed Sacrament’ in its new home. The owners of the Nursing Home, Mr Patrick Kennedy and Mr M.C. Elligot were present and they were delighted with the event. Rev Fr Kevin Keenan prayed and blessed the Tabernacle and Ciborium which he placed in the tabernacle. Father spoke a few words saying that now the Real Presence was in the Nursing Home where all could go and find solace and pray. Then the CEO Ms Frances Neilan spoke and said how happy all were to have the Lord in their midst. She talked of how the sisters had a very long association with Clarinbridge and had touched the lives of many people over the years. Many of the residents were present and enjoyed the excitement and photographs were taken “at all angles”. All adjourned for refreshments everyone seemed so happy. We know and are very sure that having the Blessed Sacrament present at all times will bestow many blessings on all concerned – residents, staff and their families. The next day Sr Muriel brought Holy Communion to the residents and met the CEO who told her that some residents have planned to meet in the Peace Room to pray the rosary. We thank God for all His Blessings on this wonderful occasion.
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