Sr Mary Catherine Chileshe
1939 – 2024
Born: 8th September 1939
Entered: 16th July 1960
Died: 22nd March 2024
Sr. Mary Catherine Chileshe, daughter of Mr. John Chileshe and Monica Ngosa Sokoni Chileshe was born on 12th September, 1940, at Ilondola – Chinsali District of Muchinga Province.
She attended primary school at Chikuni Mission up to standard 6 and proceeded to St. Mary’s Maramba in Livingstone for her secondary education.
She joined the Religious Sisters of Charity on 16th July 1960 and was received as a novice on 12th May 1962, taking the name Sr Maria John. She made her First Profession on 18th July, 1964. From August 1964 to 1966, she went to Mount St. Anne’s Milltown – Dublin for her Juniorate.
When she returned from Ireland, she took up her teaching ministry. She was Headmistress of St. Mary’s Boarding School in Chivuna in 1966 and served as Headmistress of the Primary School. She held the same position in the Primary School in Chikuni between 1967 and 1968 then returned to Chivuna as Headmistress until the school was handed over to Government in 1970.
From 1973 – 1977, she went to the University of Zambia to do her BA education. After her studies, she was missioned to teach at Namwala Secondary School for two years and later transferred to Lusaka.
In 1979, Sr Mary Catherine was missioned to Roma Girls’ Secondary School where she taught and later became the Headmistress of the school from 1982 to 1987.
In 1987, the Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda appointed her Commissioner for Police and Prison Services. This was a great honour for herself and for the Congregation, but Sister Catherine asked the President to release her from the position and after some deliberation he did so.
In September 1989 she went to Ireland and did a one year course in theology in Maynooth.
From Roma Girls; Secondary School, she was missioned to St. Charles Lwanga Teachers’ College where she served for nine years as a Senior Lecturer. She was appointed Local Leader of the community from 1990 to 1996.
Upon her retirement, she was sent to Nakambala Community where she worked in pastoral ministry of the Parish (St. Paul’s). As an Educationist, her passion to see every child educated pushed her to start a community school at Shimungalu Fishing Camp in Mazabuka. The school has since been upgraded to the status of a Grant Aided Primary School where Religious Sisters of Charity are still serving. She served as Local Leader in Nakambala community from 1997 until 2003.From Nakambala, she was missioned to Mission Press Ndola where she helped with translation of books and editing scripts before they were published.
In July 2009 Sr Catherine was again missioned to Kabwata community to the ministry of hospitality and she also looked after the garden. Later she became involved with the Associates, Adult Education and other parish organizations including the Legion of Mary, Vocation Club and St. Anne and Nazareth groups.
She moved to Kabwe in 2015 here she continued her ministry of hospitality. She also became involved with the Associates and visited the prison.
In 2017 Sr. Mary Catherine was among those who received certificates of recognition for their contribution to the growth of the Church in Zambia during the 125 years celebration of Catholicism in Zambia. These certificates were given by the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB).
In more recent years, sister has been involved in the hospitality ministry in Kabwata community, ensuring that all who came to the convent were made welcome and comfortable.
With declining health she still went around doing what needed to be done without thinking of herself. She had a heart condition and underwent successful heart surgery and has lived with this condition for years.
Sr. Catherine has been an example of courage and commitment to us in the region. Her unwavering love and desire to do something for the poor has inspired us to also carry on with our different ministries.
We have lost a gallant prayer warrior. Sister passed on to her maker while praying her Evening Prayer on 22nd March, 2024. Following her Requiem Mass she was buried in Chikuni Cemetery.
May she remain our source of strength and courage as we go about serving the poor wherever we find ourselves.
Sr. Catherine, rest in eternal peace.