The recent international meeting on Combating Human Trafficking as reported here, had participants from every part of the congregation. Sylvia Valdez travelled from California and upon her return reported back to the ‘New Life’ group in St. Columban, Garden Grove on her experience. Here Sr. Brid O’Shea recounts what happened:
“On Monday October 25 St. Columban hosted their bi-monthly New Life group. We usually talk about our charism and how it is lived in all of our lives here in this corner of the world. However, on Monday we had an opportunity of hearing first-hand how a member of our group experienced the charism being lived out in Nigeria.
You see in the picture Sylvia Valdez dressed in the native Nigerian dress as she tells us about the human trafficking workshop that was held in a totally new and different culture to the U.S.
The problem, she says is the same the world over and we need to educate all of our peoples to combat this new scourge of slavery that is infecting our universe.
Sylvia is on the core team here in St.Columban’s that is fighting to abolish human trafficking and is also a member of our New Life Team.
Sylvia thanks the RSC’s (and Sr. Mary Christian who happened to be visiting us) for giving her the opportunity of representing us at the conference.”