Here we have two poems written by Sr Ellen Galvin and offered for your enjoyment and reflection:
Praise to the Morn
Shutters fling wide open, light
Praise to the Morn darkness gone
Bright sunlight prevails.
Natures glory is revealed
In sound and vision praising the morn
The bird chorus has begun.
Filling the air with music
Accompanied by the ever gentle breeze
O’ Praise to the Morn.
The fig tree weaving beautifully
Responding to love and care
The good book says: ‘Love’.
The pomegranate smiles broadly
The small red blossoms pregnant with fruit
O’ Praise to the Morn.
The mulberry fruit-shed
Gives shelter from the noonday heat
Praise to the Morn for blessings.
The heavy green ivy tree
Beckons to the weary passerby
Offering refreshing coolness.
The peach tree cries out
‘My branches laden with nascent fruit
O’ Praise to the Morn’.
Walnuts, almonds, olives praise
Abounding with new fruit inspiring
How beautiful nature’s gifts.
The little shamrock pops up
‘I was first to praise Him
The great creator of all
Praise to the Morn’.
The Judas Tree
Strong and sturdy it stands
A man named Judas hung on it
What a sight it was.
Taken down master betrayed
Master altruistic stood by lonely
Judas lost in despair
Did the master offer hope?
Most certain: ‘Father forgive them
In blindness they act’.
The Judas tree stands now
Sturdy still revealing foliage
Of the dark pain suicide.
The painful darkness
Now embraced by untold love
The tree says it all.
With its soft green leaves
Enwraps the dark leaves in its caress
All is forgiven Judas.